
Experienced, Credentialed
Teacher & Reading Specialist
Reading & Writing
Special Needs
Homework Help

Expert tutoring by credentialed teacher with 30+ years experience

Specializing in students with special needs and reluctant learners.

About Me

Nina Ziskin: I just retired after 30 years of teaching in public and non-public school settings. I taught Reading Intervention classes for students with and without Learning Disabilities, as well as students with social-emotional-behavioral challenges and English Language Learners. I also worked for many years as a Resource Specialist, providing support to students with special needs to enable them to successfully meet the expectations of their general education classes. I love finding creative ways to engage unconventional learners!


• Education Specialist (Learning Disabilities, Dyslexia, ADHD, etc)
• Reading Specialist
• Single Subject: English

Grade Levels & Subject Areas

  • Grades 4-12+
  •  Decoding / Phonics
  •  Comprehension

  •  Mechanics / grammar
  •  Content
  •  Organization


Students learn best when they have a positive relationship with their teacher. I am very effective at building and maintaining a positive personal relationship with each student, and I have found that even the most reluctant students will make an effort to do their best work under these conditions. I also believe in incorporating each student’s interests and preferences into every lesson to increase engagement. There is always a way to make an assignment personally meaningful. 


  • Sliding Scale: $50 - $100 per session online.
  • Free 30-minute introductory trial session



References available upon request.
